Port Knowledge Center

Danube Ports Day 2020

The Danube Ports Day 2020 edition was successfully organised in the framework of the DIONYSUS project by Pro Danube and the Port of Ennshafen, with the support of the Danube Ports Network.

The event brought together more than 60 experts from the Danube Region and beyond interested in hot topics such as shore side electricity and integrated logistics solutions.

pic DPDnew

We would like to use this opportunity to give special thanks to our first session speakers, namely Mr. Turi Fiorito from EFIP, Ms Vera Hofbauer from the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Pro Danube's Chairman Mr Herfried Leitner, Mr Werner Auer and Ms Karin Voglsam from the Port of Ennshafen, Mr Simon Hartl from viadonau, Mr. Ralf Jina from DDSG and Ms Andrea Kollman from the Energy Institute of the University of Linz.

Special thanks go as well to the speakers of the second session, namely Mr Marian Bujor, for introducing the High Performance Green Port Giurgiu Project, Mr Mathias von Tucher, for showing insights of the Port of Giurgiulesti and Mr Bela Szalma, for covering highly ambitious solutions for the ports in Hungary and PDI's General Secretary, Mr Robert Rafael, for moderating this session.

List of presentations:

1. Turi Fiorito, EFIP
2. Vera Hofbauer, BMK
3. Herfried Leitner, PDI
4. Werner Auer, Port of Ennshafen
5. Andrea Kolmann, Energy Institute of the University of Linz
6. Simon Hartl, viadonau
7. Karin Voglsam, Port of Ennshafen
8.Ralf Jina, DDSG
8. Marian Bujor, ILR Logistica Romania
9. Mathias von Tucher, Danube Logistics
10. Bela Szalma, Plimsoll
11. Robert Rafael, PDI

Two other editions will be organised in the next two years. These are foreseen to take place in Croatia (with the support of Port Authority Vukovar) and in Romania (in close cooperation with Constanta Maritime Port Administration).

Detailed information will be made available by the organisers few weeks before the actual meetings.

DPN Advisory Board Meeting

Organised online on 27 April, the core objective of the Danube Ports Network (DPN) Advisory Board Meeting was to undertake a thorough review of the activities carried out by the Technical Secretariat in order to determine how it could best support the needs of Danube ports. High on the agenda were the milestones reached since the start of the DIONYSUS project, such as the launch of a new, interactive website with a multitude of updated features. These new functionalities include the Port Knowledge Center and the Digital Initiatives Observatory. Both serve as instruments for knowledge creation and facilitation and are periodically being updated with relevant information.

It was unanimously agreed that the activities of the DPN shall continue in representing the interest of the network and its partners in national and transnational port-related initiatives and projects, emphasizing its importance in keeping Danube ports at the forefront of innovation, thus facilitating their adaptation to the needs and requirements of a modern, future-oriented transport system. Moreover, the DPN will continue to actively support diverse forms of cooperation and partnerships between Danube ports leading to synergies and higher efficiency. 

Danube Ports Day 2021

The 2021 Danube Ports Day was successfully organised in the frame of the DIONYSUS project by the teams of Pro Danube Management and the Port Authority Vukovar, with the support of the Danube Ports Network.

DPD 2021

The event brought together more than 70 experts from the Danube Region and beyond, interested in topics related to (i) the potential of inland ports in urban mobility, (ii) fleet electrification as well as (iii) sustainable port logistics solutions. General information on the DIONYSUS project was presented by Mr Silviu Meterna of Pro Danube Romania, the lead partner of the DIONYSUS project. The audience received detailed information on funding opportunities, such as the new Interreg Danube Transnational Programme as well as on Connecting Europe Facility 2. 

Good practice examples in the field of Danube vessel fleet electrification, as well as sustainable logistics and port solutions in urban areas, were presented by highly experienced stakeholders.  Mr. Tomislav Uroda representing iCAT, a Croatian company specialised in innovative ship design and shipbuilding gave an insight into their solar-powered passenger vessel concept. Mr. Edwin van Hassel from the University of Antwerp introduced the “Smart Waterway Project”, a concept developed in order to demonstrate the benefits of using waterways for the distribution of freight in the urban area of Ghent. Mr. Robert Rafael on behalf of the DPN introduced notable examples of sustainable practices collected from several logistics service providers operating in the urban area of Budapest. Moving further downstream towards the Port of Constanta, Mr. Alexandru Craciun representing DP World Constanta shared very interesting insights on DP world’s innovative initiatives to be rolled out in the Danube Region.

We would like to use this opportunity to give special thanks to all our speakers, including Ms. Katharina Lenz of EU Danube Strategy Point, Mr. Horst Schindler of DTP Joint Secretariat, Mr. Turi Fiorito of EFIP, Mr. Danijel Bilušković of Port of Vukovar Ltd and to the moderators Ms. Iva Horvat, Ms. Ruxandra Matzalik Florescu and Mr. Miroslav Madarac.

List of presentations:

01_2021_11_23_PDR_Silviu Meterna

02_2021_11_23_EU Strategy Point_Katharina Lenz


04_2021_11_23_JS_Horst Schindler

05_2021_11_23_EFIP_Turi Fiorito

06_2021_11_23_Port of Vukovar_Danijel Biluskovic

07_2021_11_23_iCat_Tomislav Uroda_Electric Vessels

08_2021_11_23_University of Antwerp_Edwin van Hassel


10_2021_11_23_DP World_Alexandru Craciun

IWT Digitalisation Workshop successfully organised

On 23 November, more than 100 stakeholders from the public and the private sector participated in the transnational workshop on digitalization in Inland Waterway Transportation (IWT). The workshop was a joint initiative of the European projects Platina 3Masterplan DIWARIS COMEX and DIONYSUS and the sector organizations Pro Danube ManagementEICB and the IWT Platform with the support of the DPN.


The workshop focused on how digital transformation can support business activities and reporting formalities in the upcoming years. Participants provided valuable inputs regarding further requirements on synchromodality, ICT infrastructure, River Information Services and Smart Shipping, data sharing & integration, cybersecurity and compliance.

During the plenary part of the workshop, the 4 projects were introduced by short interviews moderated by the Master of Ceremony Henk van Laar. The workshop perfectly fitted into the timelines of each project, as currently project partners of PLATINA3, Dionysus and the masterplan DIWA are working on collecting input for their dedicated studies, yet at the same time giving them the chance to share intermediate results with a wide range of experts. The RIS COMEX project will launch its European fairway information portal ‘EuRIS’ in the course of 2022.

Four themes
After the break, the participants joined either one of the four break-out rooms to go into more detail and moreover to share opportunities, requirements and discuss how relevant authorities together with the industry representatives can support a successful digital transformation in IWT.

The themes of the four break out rooms were:

  • Smart Shipping
  • Synchro modality
  • River Information Services
  • Sea and inland ports

This thematic approach resulted in lively discussions and new expert inputs relevant for all of the European projects. During the final plenary part, the results of the discussions in the break-out rooms were shared with all the participants. Representatives from European Commission’s DG MOVE congratulated the initiative and highlighted the need for similar future cooperation activities of the IWT sector in Europe.

Workshop on Ports & Agricultural Products Traffic in the Lower Danube Region Countries

The event brought together Lower Danube Region’s port administrations, port operators and service providers (storage operators), agricultural producers and traders as well as logistics service providers to discuss on the present and future traffic flows in the Danube Region. The workshop analyzed the existing transport infrastructure together with the status-quo of the on-going and planned infrastructure projects, as basis for the elaboration of various assumptions on potential traffic and trade agricultural flows of the Danube ports. The workshop was organised on 17 November 2021 by AAOPFR. 

Second Workshop on Container Liner Services

Organised on 7 December online by FTTE, the core objective of the second edition of the workshop was to bring together experts to discuss about the revival and further development of Container Liner Services on the Danube River. Attended by representatives of the EC, the DC, national authorities and stakeholders operating on the Danube, the event provided the interested audience both with first-hand information on the advantages of container liner shipping as well as on the challenges that hamper its development. The event was a follow-up of the successful event organised in December 2020 by the Port of Constanta.

First Workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea services

The aim of the First Workshop to facilitate cross-border/cross Black Sea services (08.12.) aimed to identify the possibilities and opportunities to build up new transport links among the Danube corridors and the riparian Black Sea & Central Asia regions.

The workshop analysed the existing transport infrastructure together with the status-quo of the on-going and planned infrastructure projects, as basis for the elaboration of various assumptions on potential traffic and trade flows of the Danube ports in connection to the development of the transport links to the corresponding corridors, collecting important and valuable feedback for the design and operation of potential new cross-border/cross-Black Sea transport links.

Workshop on Ports & Agricultural products Traffic in the Middle Danube Region Countries

The event targeted Middle Danube Region’s port administrations, port operators and service providers (storage operators), agricultural producers and traders as well as logistics service providers. It discussed present and future traffic flows and the throughputs of agricultural products in the ports located in the sub-region Middle Danube (HU, HR, RS).

Danube Ports Day 2022

Continuing the well-established practice initiated by the DAPhNE project, the 2022 edition of the Danube Ports Day event was successfully organised in the frame of the DIONYSUS project by Pro Danube Management (PDM) and the Maritime Ports Administration Constanta (MPAC) with the support of the Danube Ports Network (DPN). By bringing together numerous experts from the Danube Region and beyond, the event set the scene to discuss hot topics related to i) the Ukrainian goods exported from Danube ports and the new logistics chains, ii) transport of goods on the Lower Danube – reflecting on infrastructure conditions, opportunities, and challenges, iii) digitalization trends and intermodal logistics in the Danube Region.

 Screenshot 125

Keynote interventions were delivered by Mrs. Isabelle Ryckbost, Secretary General of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) and Mr. Alain Baron, Adviser to the Rhine-Danube Corridor Coordinator. Both interventions highlighted that despite the challenges caused both by the conflict in Ukraine as well as by the immediate consequences of climate change – ports must maintain their forefront role in the international distribution of goods.

Two interactive sessions – on intermodality and logistic chains moderated by the Danube Commission as well as on digitalisation in the Danube Region moderated by Pro Danube Management – brought together experts and stakeholders to discuss these vital aspects of Danube transportation. While the first session aimed at identifying adequate solutions to the most common hurdles that still need to be overcome – both in terms of proper fairway maintenance as well as considering the difficulties caused by the conflict in Ukraine, the second session, on digitalisation, discussed the future of IWT in the digital age, providing concrete examples of good practices from Western, Central and Eastern Europe. It was concluded that proper navigability conditions need to be adequately ensured and maintained continuously in order to enable the functioning of reliable logistic services, whereas digitalisation is an indispensable prerequisite for the implementation of the ambitious climate goals enshrined in the European Green Deal.

We would like to use this opportunity to thank our speakers for sharing insights into their various fields of activities.

The presentations are available for download here:

Interactive session on intermodality & logistics chains

Mr. Djordje Krkljus_COMVEX_Keeping Ukrainian goods moving - Danube and the new logistic chains

Mr. Romeo Soare_AFDJ Romania_Navigability conditions, opportunities and challenges on the Lower Danube

Mr. Herfried Leitner_TTS_Keeping Upper and Middle Danube goods moving - consequences of the crisis (Ukraine and low water levels)

Session on digitalisation in the Danube Region

Mr. Werner Auer_Ennshafen Port_Danube Port Digitization - Strategy & Action Plan

Mr. Gergely Mező_RSOE_Integrated Port Information System in Hungary - KIR

Capt. Abhishek Nair_PortXchange_Port digitalisation in Rotterdam and connected ports

Dr. Valentin Cârlan_University of Antwerp_Synchro-modal logistics supported by digitalisation

Mr. Mihai Niculescu_ITS Romania_Initiatives and developments for linking multi-modal voyage planning services for passenger transport in the Danube Region

 Ports and agricultural ports traffic in the Upper Danube Region countries

As part of A.T 3.2, the Regional Workshop dedicated to Ports and Agricultural Products Traffic was organised by PP14 Wieser Consult. The workshop discussed present and future traffic flows, the throughputs of agricultural products in the ports located in the sub-region Upper Danube (AT, DE, SK). The workshop analysed the existing transport infrastructure together with the status-quo of the on-going and planned infrastructure projects, as basis for the elaboration of various assumptions on potential traffic and trade agricultural flows of the Danube ports Infrastructure and superstructure needed in the ports, as well as connecting road and rail infrastructure, were identified and mapped.

 Third workshop on Container Liner Services

Organised in the framework of the DIONYSUS project by the Port of Constanta, the third workshop on Container Liner Services successfully brought together more than 50 participants involved in the promotion and development of containerized transport on the Danube ranging from decision-makers, representatives of the Danube Transnational Program, of EFIP and viadonau to members of the project consortium, academia as well as business representatives operating on the Danube and beyond.

The third and final event in this series offered the stage for interested stakeholders to discuss the potential and future of container transport on the Danube. The event set the scene to reflect and evaluate aspects related to lessons learned and new market conditions, and the prospects for relaunching and supporting this type of transport.

 Second stakeholder's meeting on port pricing systems

Organised in the frame of DIONYSUS, the 2nd Stakeholders’ Meeting on Port Pricing Systems was successfully organised on 14 June by the Port Authority Vukovar. The event brought together experts from the Danube Region to discuss applied port pricing principles and methodologies in Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Romania.






CND Tool

The online tool serves as an instrument for optimal routing of a barge container ship on an inland waterway. It is based on the MILP model and aims to maximize the profit of the shipping company, while, at the same time, defining upstream and downstream calling sequence and number of loaded and empty containers transported between any two ports. 

The tool aims to facilitate decision-making processes at the strategic planning level, which relate to the establishment of a container barge network on the Danube River. The approach is based on the development of a mathematical programming model that can be applied to give recommendations about establishing a container liner service on any inland waterway. 

Deliverables Period 1 (covering the timeframe 07 - 12/2020)

Transport Corridors & IWT Markets

D.T1.1.1_DIONYSUS_Report on the selected Core & Comprehensive Network Sections and Nodes of the Transport Corridors on the Danube Region


Danube Inland & Sea Ports Analysis & Recommendations

D.T2.4.2_DIONYSUS_Yearly Activity Report on Digitalisation Initiatives 2020


Integrated Port Development

D.T3.3.1_DIONYSUS_Annual Work Plan 2020

D.T3.3.1_DIONYSUS_Yearly Activity Report 2020

Deliverables Period 2 (covering the timeframe 01 - 06/2021)

Transport Corridors & IWT Markets

D.T1.1.2_DIONYSUS_Transport Infrastructure Status Quo Report

D.T1.2.1_DIONYSUS_Report on Trade Flows and Economic Framework Conditions for Cargo and Passenger Transport Development in the Danube Region

D.T2.2.2_DIONYSUS_Report on Cargo Transport Flows (Status Quo and Forecast) 

D.T1.3.1_DIONYSUS_ Framework Condition Analysis on Container Liner Services

D.T1.4.2_DIONYSUS_Active Participation in Policy and Logistics Events


Danube Inland & Sea Ports Analysis & Recommendations

D.T2.1.1_DIONYSUS_Report on Multi-Modal Infra- and Suprastructure Facilities and Services

D.T2.2.1_DIONYSUS_Status Quo & Mid-Term Perspective Danube Ports Infrastructure Report

D.T2.3.1_DIONYSUS_Study Report on Port Pricing Systems

D.T2.4.1_DIONYSUS_Inventory on Port Digitalisation Capabilities in the Danube Region


Integrated Port Development

D.T3.2.1_DIONYSUS_Summary Report: Analysis of Status-Quo and Mid-Term Perspective of Transport Infrastructure

D.T3.2.2_DIONYSUS_Summary Report: Assessment of Growth Potential for Main Agricultural Products

Deliverables Period 3 (covering the timeframe 07 - 12/2021)

Transport Corridors & IWT Markets

D.T1.1.1 Report on on-going and Planned Projects on the Transport Corridors in the Danube Region

D.T1.2.3 Report on IWT Cargo Potential

D.T1.4.2 Active Participation in Policy and Logistics Events


Danube Inland & Sea Ports Analysis & Recommendations 

D.T2.2.2 Danube Ports Accessibility and Connectivity Report 

D.T2.3.2 Summary Report on Danube Ports Governance Structures

D.T2.4.2 Yearly Activity Report 2021


Integrated Port Development

D.T3.2.3 Summary Report: Analysis of Infrastructure Investment Needs in the Future for the Agricultural Danube Ports

D.T3.3.1 Annual Work Plan 2021 

D.T3.3.1 Yearly Activity Report 2021 

D.T3.4.2 Analysis of the Existing Infrastructure & the Investment Needs at DR Ports Level for River Cruise Industry


Outputs Period 3 (covering the timeframe 07 - 12/2021)

Transport Corridors & IWT Markets

O.T1.6 Awareness and Promotion Strategy for Danube Transportation

Deliverables Period 4 (covering the timeframe (01 - 06/2022)

Transport Corridors & IWT Markets

D_T1.1.4 Report on Traffic Flows in the Danube Corridor

D_T1.2.4 Fairway Maintenance Impact Report

D_T1.2.6 Market Analysis for Passenger Transport


Danube Inland & Sea Ports Analysis & Recommendations

D_T2.1.2 Report on Multi-Modal/Intermodal Market Perspectives

D_T2.1.3 Gap Analysis (country-based report including summary)

D_T2.3.3 One (1) Questionnaire Regarding the Applied Pricing Principles in Ports

D_T2.3.4 Study Report on Port Costing & Pricing in the Danube Region

D_T2.4.3 Inter-Connecting Danube & Sea Ports Digital Infrastructure through Robotic Process Automation. A Multimodal Approach


Integrated Port Development

D_T3.1.1 Summary Report: Analysis of Regional Economic Development Strategies, Policies & Programs with regard to Danube Ports with Annexes: Country Reports (AT, SK, HU, HR, RS, BG, RO, MD, UA)

D_T3.1.2 Summary Report: Analysis of European & National Transport Policies, Strategies & Programs with regard to the Danube Ports with Annexes: Country Reports (AT, SK, HU, HR, RS, BG, RO, MD, UA)

D_T3.3.6 COVID-19 Impact on Danube Ports


Pilot Cases

D_T4.1.1 Operational & Business Development Model for Danube Region Ports


Outputs Period 4 (covering the timeframe 01 - 06/2022)

Transport Corridors & IWT Markets

O_T1.2 Fairway Maintenance Impact Calculation Tool

O_T1.3 IWT Market Observatory

O_T1.4 Workshops on Container Liner Services


Integrated Port Development

O_T3.3 Strategy & Recommendations for Optimizing the Waterborne Transport of Agricultural Products in the Danube Region

Deliverables Period 5 (covering the timeframe 07 - 12/2022)

Transport Corridors & IWT Markets

D.T1.3.4 Report on Activities to Initiate and Support Container Liner Services

D.T1.4.2 Active Participation in Policy and Logistics Events - 2022


Danube Inland & Sea Ports Analysis & Recommendation

D.T2.2.3 Danube Ports Investment Needs Report

D.T2.4.2 Yearly Activity Report 2022


Integrated Port Development

D.T3.1.3 Assessment of Existing Gaps in Regional Development and Transport Policies 

D.T3.3.1 Annual Work Plan

D.T3.3.1 Yearly Activity Report

D.T3.3.3 Report on EU and transnational partnerships & coordination activities

D.T3.3.4 Report knowledge-transfer events, tools, and publications

D.T3.3.5 Strategic Roadmap for Follow-Up Activities

D.T3.4.3 National Infrastructure Master Plans: AT, SK, HU, HR, RS, BG, RO, MD, UA for Sustainable Development of the River Cruise Industry


Pilot Cases

D.T4.1.2 Management Summary on Port Development Plans

D.T4.5.1 Development Plan for Hinterland Infrastructure

D.T4.5.2 Pruth Fairway Maintenance Plan


Outputs Period 5 (covering the timeframe 07 - 12/2022)

Transport Corridors & IWT Markets

O.T1.1 Gap Analysis & Recommendations for Corridor Enhancement

O.T1.5 Policy Recommendations for Container Liner Service on the Danube River

O.T1.7 Workshops to Facilitate Waterborne Cross-Border/Cross-Black Sea Services


Danube Inland & Sea Ports Analysis & Recommendations

O.T2.1 Strategy for the Development of a Multi-/Intermodal Transport Network in the Danube Corridor

O.T2.2 Tool for Flexible/Dynamic Pricing Supporting Port and IWT Hinterland Development

O.T2.3 Integrated Danube Transport Corridor Digitalization Strategy & Action Plan

O.T2.4 Stakeholders Meeting: Port Pricing System


Integrated Port Development

O.T3.1 National Recommendations and Consolidated Strategy Plan

O.T3.2 Three National/Regional Stakeholder Working Meetings and One International Event

O.T3.4 Inter/Multimodal Logistics Transport Cases for New Waterborne Logistics Chains 

O.T3.7 Project Capitalisation Strategy & Evaluation Report

O.T3.9 Consolidated Danube Region Infrastructure Master Plan including Recommendations for the Sustainable Growth of the River Cruise Industry


Pilot Cases

O.T4.1 Port Development Plan of Ennshafen and Port Development Plan 2030 Port of Dunaujvaros

O.T4.3 Port Development Plans for: Calarasi, Drobeta Turnu Severin and Orsova Ports

O.T4.4 Port Development Plans for the Port of Vukovar and Bulmarket Port Ruse

O.T4.5 Port Development Plans for Port of Prahovo, Port of Backa Palanka, and Port of Bogojevo

O.T4.7 Integrated Development Plan (Republic of Moldova)


Newsletter 1 (12/2020)

Actively supported by the Danube Ports Network, this first edition of the DIONYSUS newsletter provides a comprehensive overview on the results achieved in the early stages of the project and the status of the milestones that lie ahead.

The newsletter can be accessed here.

Newsletter 2 (06/2021)

The second edition of the DIONYSUS newsletter provides a comprehensive overview on the results achieved in the first half of 2021 and the status of milestones that lie ahead.

The newsletter can be accessed here

Newsletter 3 (12/2021)

The third edition of the DIONYSUS newsletter, actively supported by the Danube Ports Network, provides a comprehensive overview on the results achieved in the second half of 2021 and the status of the milestones that still lie ahead.

The newsletter can be accessed here.

Newsletter 4 (06/2022)

The fourth edition of the DIONYSUS newsletter is available for download here.

Newsletter 5 (09/2022)

The fifth edition of the DIONYSUS newsletter is available for download here.

Factsheet 1 (12/2020)

The first DPN factsheet was released in the framework of the DIONYSUS project in December 2020. A copy of this factsheet can be retrieved here

Factsheet 2 (12/2021)

The second DPN factsheet, released in the framework of DIONYSUS, provides a comprehensive overview on the most important results achieved during 2021 and is available for download here.

Factsheet 3 (10/2022)

The third DPN factsheet, released in the framework of DIONYSUS, provides a comprehensive overview on the most important results achieved during 2022 and is available for download here.

Danube Ports Handbook Edition 2021

The first edition of the Danube Ports Handbook, published in December 2021, is available for download here.

Danube Ports Handbook Edition 2022

The second edition of the Danube Ports Handbook, published in October 2022, is available for download here.


The Digital Initiatives Observatory consists of digitalisation initiatives along the logistics chains in line with RIS deployments, EU digitalisation policy goals, legislation and measures in relation to IWT. The Observatory is facilitated by means on an interactive tool hosted on the DPN website. The information therein is updated on a regular basis every six months.

By means of dedicated filters, the visitor will select the information which interest him/her the most, choosing between:

  • country,
  • transnational projects,
  • policy initiatives,
  • dedicated working groups,
  • funding opportunities.

DPN Technical Secretariat
(hosted by Pro Danube Management GmbH)

Grünbergstraße 15, Stiege 1, 5th Floor
A-1120 Vienna/Austria
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Traffic information will be collected on a yearly basis covering the Danube Region ports which are part of the DIONYSUS project consortium. These ports will provide updated information on the volumes of the main types of cargo transhipped in their port. The data will be used further by DT 3.3.6 COVID-19 Impact on Danube Ports and will be made available as well by the DPN Handbook.

Statistics will be collected from the following ports with the support of the related partners:

  • For Austria: Ennshafen (by Port of Ennshafen), Vienna (by Port of Vienna-ASP)
  • Slovakia: Bratislava, Komarno (by Public Ports)
  • Hungary: Budapest, Gyor, Dunaújváros (by HFIP)
  • Croatia: Vukovar (by PAV)
  • Serbia: Novi Sad, Belgrade, Pancevo, Smederevo (by PGA)
  • Romania: Orsova, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Giurgiu, Constanta, Galati (by MPAC and APDF-ASP)
  • Bulgaria: Vidin, Lom, Ruse, Bulmarket (by POB & BRCCI)
  • Moldova: Giurgiulesti (by DANLOG -ASP)
  • Ukraine: Reni, Izmail, Kilia (by USPA)

Statistics will be collected by the DPN based on dedicated surveys in 2021 and 2022, covering the years 2019, 2020 and 2021.

COVID-19 Impact on Danube Ports 

The design of this study was guided by several research questions such as: How did various ports took on the crisis? How did the pandemic affect the traffic of cargo and passenger transportation? Were there any restrictions/procedures imposed to ships and crews? What measures were taken to ensure a minimal level of operation and to protect both on-shore and shipboard personnel involved in port calls and cargo handling? The pathway chosen to answer the formulated research questions was to collect first-hand and as detailed as possible data via a questionnaire. A proven data collection instrument, a questionnaire offers several advantages such as the possibility to collect both quantitative and qualitative data, use the internet as a channel of distribution, thus easily reaching out to a wide pool of potential respondents and, last but not least, keep the time-costs for the participants relatively low. The questionnaire designed within this study was distributed twice – once in 2021 to collect data covering the years 2019 and 2020 as well as for a second time in 2022 to collect data for the year 2021. The timeframe under investigation therefore supports a comparative analysis of pre-pandemic periods with periods during the health crisis. 15 ports participated in the survey. 

The study is available for download here.

Danube Ports Handbook

Efficient waterway infrastructure together with high performing ports as regional economic hubs, environmentally friendly and modern inland waterway vessels, an optimum integration of inland waterway transport into the multimodal logistics chains, qualified staff as well as the use of digital services are basic prerequisites for a competitive inland waterborne transport of the future.

Ports represent strategic nodes facilitating cargo flows in international distribution of goods, as a part of an extensive logistic network which enables trade and information flow between different points.

Danube ports have the potential to act as engines of growth in their host cities and regions, being multimodal hubs with varying levels of intermodal facilities, serving as an interface between various transport modes. Of particular importance for Danube transport are the numerous industrial sites that are located along the Danube Corridor. Ports offer sustainable solutions for attracting key industrial players by providing dedicated facilities for manufacturing, processing, and handling of logistics operations, acting as convenient regional business platforms for trade and industry. 

Both editions of the Danube Ports Handbook are based on the results of a survey that was carried out twice amongst the ports of the Danube Region to collect information on port traffic in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic covering the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. While Danube shipping is closely correlated with developments in the global and regional economy, the average number of port calls, as well as the amount of handled products and traffic in passenger transport, generated useful insights into the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Danube navigation. The survey furthermore touched upon topics linked to procedural restrictions that have impaired a smooth transport flow.

The first edition of the Danube Ports Handbook, published in December 2021, is available for download here.

The second edition of the Danube Ports Handbook, published in October 2022, is available for download here.

Its governance structure, decision-making process, modus operandi, partners roles & responsibilities are governed by a Cooperation Agreement which shall not bind partner organizations or their staff, to any financial or other liability without further formal documentation.

DPN Capitalisation Strategy (version 12/2020)

The present capitalisation strategy proposes a detailed insight into the planned activities meant to foster the creation of knowledge inside the DIONYSUS project as well as to facilitate its transfer towards external stakeholders. At the same time, dedicated know-how will be collected from various experts active in the field of IWT and related industries by means of the manifold meetings and workshops foreseen during the entire implementation period of the DIONYSUS project. The strategy shall be implemented with the support of the Danube Ports Network (DPN), a platform aiming to enable cooperation between Danube inland and maritime ports addressing complex issues facing the port sector. The project DAPhNE (www.interreg-danube.eu/daphne) has provided the adequate support for the first year of the pilot operation of the network covering 1st of July 2018 to 30th of June 2019. Following the five period of implementation of the DIONYSUS project, this document outlines the capitalisation activities closely linked to the progress of the project partners. Synergies arise between all foreseen activities, therefore the capitalisation process shall be a smooth one.The capitalisation strategy consists of two dedicated parts, namely an internal chapter and a chapter focused on external activities. The internal part represents a matrix with combines efficiently all activities from all four content related DIONYSUS workpackages (T1 Transport Corridors & IWT Markets, T2 Danube Inland & Sea Ports Analysis & Recommendations, T3 Integrated Port Development, T4 Pilot Cases). The external affairs focused part displays the interactions with the external stakeholders as well with several relevant entities such as the EUSDR PA1A, NAIADES 3 working group, etc.

For details, please refer to the report here.

DPN Workprogramme (version 06/2019)

The current document includes a description of the tasks that have to be carried out by the DPN on a yearly basis throughout its start-up phase (July 2019 -June 2022)1 . It lists the objectives and means by which to carry them out. An event list is also attached to this document. 


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