
Jointly initiated Push4Danubeby Pro Danube International and Pro Danube Austria, the aim of Push4Danube is to bundle the investment needs of the sector in order to facilitate the adequate financing of IWT related projects. Challenged by an unprecedented crisis, the active involvement of the sector is a key prerequisite to successfully adapt the IWT industry to the latest environmental EU policy framework. Pro Danube International urges the businesses operating on the Danube to participate in the online survey using the following link.

online survey finalA dedicated survey entitled "Danube transPORT is going digital. Become part if it!" has been developed within the framework of the DIONYSUS project in order to assess the current digitalisation capabilities and needs of the Danube Region ports taking into account several criteria such as: ICT-infrastructure, digital solutions for process and data flow optimization & management, digital services supporting efficient port operations, digital skills for added value jobs, cybersecurity aspects.

The survey has been elaborated by the teams of Pro Danube Management (AT) together with Public Ports (SK), Ennshafen Port (AT), the Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports (HU) and the Constanta Maritime Ports Administration (RO) as well as with the dedicated support of the Danube Ports Network.

This survey will help port authorities/administrations/port development companies in their work towards a digital transformation of their port. By answering all the questions proposed, ports will be able to assess their digital maturity and, at the same time, get a better understanding of their real digital needs. All answers will then feed into an analysis on digitalisation capabilities needs covering the Danube Region ports (inland and maritime) prepared by the DIONYSUS project partners which will be made publicly available throughout the Danube Region and beyond.

This survey consists of 105 questions and takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. All answers will be treated on a confidential basis.

The survey is meant to be answered by the team of the port authority/administration/port development company consisting of experts from the following departments (wherever applicable): IT, Strategy, Marketing, Operations, Transport & Traffic Management and Human Resources. Also, few dedicated questions require the input of the harbour master.

This survey consists mostly of multiple or single-choice questions, to facilitate a quick and easy answering. Few open questions have been included to allow each port to present on a case by case basis its particularities.

The survey is open from mid-December 2020 until end-February 2021.

For further details on the DIONYSUS project, please visit: 

The Danube Ports Day 2020 edition was successfully organised in the framework of the DIONYSUS project by Pro Danube and the Port of Ennshafen, with the support of the Danube Ports Network.

The event brought together more than 60 experts from the Danube Region and beyond interested in hot topics such as shore side electricity and integrated logistics solutions.

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We would like to use this opportunity to give special thanks to our first session speakers, namely Mr. Turi Fiorito from EFIP, Ms Vera Hofbauer from the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Pro Danube's Chairman Mr Herfried Leitner, Mr Werner Auer and Ms Karin Voglsam from the Port of Ennshafen, Mr Simon Hartl from viadonau, Mr. Ralf Jina from DDSG and Ms Andrea Kollman from the Energy Institute of the University of Linz.

Special thanks go as well to the speakers of the second session, namely Mr Marian Bujor, for introducing the High Performance Green Port Giurgiu Project, Mr Mathias von Tucher, for showing insights of the Port of Giurgiulesti and Mr Bela Szalma, for covering highly ambitious solutions for the ports in Hungary and PDI's General Secretary, Mr Robert Rafael, for moderating this session.

List of presentations:

1. Turi Fiorito, EFIP
2. Vera Hofbauer, BMK
3. Herfried Leitner, PDI
4. Werner Auer, Port of Ennshafen
5. Andrea Kolmann, Energy Institute of the University of Linz
6. Simon Hartl, viadonau
7. Karin Voglsam, Port of Ennshafen
8.Ralf Jina, DDSG
8. Marian Bujor, ILR Logistica Romania
9. Mathias von Tucher, Danube Logistics
10. Bela Szalma, Plimsoll
11. Robert Rafael, PDI

Two other editions will be organised in the next two years. These are foreseen to take place in Croatia (with the support of Port Authority Vukovar) and in Romania (in close cooperation with Constanta Maritime Port Administration).
Detailed information will be made available by the organisers few weeks before the actual meetings.

New DPN Partners. Boosted Partnership! 

The IGÖD Board Meeting held on 16 September 2019 in Krems decided to join the Danube Ports Network. With this decision, the four ports have shown their trust and confidence in the Danube Ports Network and its abilities to deliver benefits for the Danube Reagion port sector. We are looking forward to working with IGOD -- for and with its 4 Danube Port Organisations i.e. Linz A.G. Hafen, Rhenus Logistics, Ennshafen and Hafen Wien

DPN Advisory Group holds its second working meeting in Vienna  

On the 16th of December 2019, the Advisory Group of the Danube Ports Network (DPN) came together for its second working meeting in Vienna. The Advisory Group had met under an informal interactive dialogue format to discuss strategic, organisational and financial aspects pertaining to the “start-up” stage of the DPN, which began after the completion of the DAPhNE Project (30th of June 2019).

Chaired by Capt. Béla Szalma, DPN Advisory Group Chairman, the meeting reviewed the progress and work in hand of the Technical Secretariat. The participating Members have provided practical and strategic advice which shall guide the operational and thematic work of the Technical Secretariat in 2020. 

The focus of the work will continue to be on the initiation, definition and implementation of common interest projects, port advocacy and communication, and port policy dedicated events organisation. As the global concerns about the environmental issues such climate change increase, the Advisory Group called on the Technical Secretariat to place a more focus on promoting the role and positive contribution of Danube Ports towards sustainable development, in line with the newly adopted European Green Deal.

In terms of strategic partnerships establishment, next year shall see the conclusion of a cooperation agreement of the Secretariat of the Danube Commission with the Danube Ports Network with shall enable DC’s support (organizational and financial contributions) to further consolidate the capacity and activities of the network through dedicated communication and joint awareness activities.

The Meeting was hosted by Pro Danube Management GmbH – the Host & Coordinating Organisation of the DPN Technical Secretariat and contributed by :

  • Capt. Béla SZALMA, President Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports, Chairman DPN Advisory Group
  • Mr. Gussmagg Gerhard, Managing Director, Rhenus Donauhafen Krems GmbH & Co KG, Member DPN Advisory Group
  • Mr. Thomas MOSER, General Director, Danube Logistics SRL/Giurgiulesti International Free Port, Member DPN Advisory Group
  • Mr. Anguel Zaburtov Director General Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (by Skype), Member DPN Advisory Group
  • Mr. Herfried LEITNER, Chairman Pro Danube International
  • Mr. Peter Woetzinger, Partner iC consulenten, Managing Director Pro Danube Management GmbH
  • Mr. Robert Rafael, General Manager Pro Danube Management GmbH)
  • Ms. Janeta Toma, PDM, DPN Technical Secretariat

DPN contributes the first working meeting on Education & Training opportunities for Danube Ports with the Danube Commission and UNCTAD

On 6 February 2020, DPN Technical Secretariat participated in first working meeting on Education and Training opportunities for the Danube Ports. The meeting was initiated and hosted by the Danube Commission (DC) Secretariat with the aim of discussing the UNCTAD TrainForTrade - Port Management Programme (PMP) and possibilities of adapting the training programme to the needs of the Danube ports, including next steps for developing a specific model of cooperation and coordination among UNCTAD, DC and DPN. This shall enable the development and implementation of a dedicated EU/Danube Region-wide Port Management Training Scheme benefiting Danube River and Sea ports.

The participants agreed that a comprehensive regional port management training programme needs to be initiated for the next generation of Danube river and seaports, geared into the Danube ports‘needs and labour market requirements. In this context, Danube Commission will act as the facilitator for setting up an improved education and training initiative, with the DPN acting as a key interface for UNCTAD in the definition and implementation of a dedicated Danube port training program. 

The meeting served as a preparatory step ahead of the DC’s Expert Group meeting on Crew and Personnel (EG PERS) to be held on the 27th of April 2020 in Budapest, which shall discuss inter alia the benefits of developing and implementing a comprehensive education and training port initiative in the Danube Region.



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Port of Constanta reinforces its commitment to the Danube Ports Network

On 26 February 2020, in the margins of the “Constanta Port Event Day” in Budapest, Mr. Costel Stanca, the new General Director of the Port of Constanta  hosted an Introduction Meeting with Pro Danube International and Danube Ports Network Technical Secretariat. One of the greatest accomplishments of  the meeting was the concrete demonstration of the Port of Constanta’s commitment to the DPN, which was formalised through the signature of the DPN Letter of Commitment. With with the Port of Constanta having formally joined the Network, a key milestone in the DPN’s organisational life and consolidation process was reached. In addition, Mr. Costel Stanca joins the DPN Advisory Group as a new Member.


The 2019 Horizon Transport info day will take place on Monday, 7 October in Brussels. It will present upcoming funding opportunities of approximately €356 million under the Mobility for Growth (MG), Automated Road Transport (ART), Green Vehicles (GV), and Next Generation Batteries (BAT) calls. To secure your spot, you need to register on the relevant INEA Home Page.

For more information, please consult the draft agenda.

The EU plans to go climate-neutral by 2050. So does inland shipping ! Come and discover the innovative inland vessels which have embarked on that journey and test solutions that bring pollution down too.

When : 16 October 2019

Where :  Port of Brussels

 Green Inland Shipping


Over 50 committed representatives of the DAPhNE Project partner organisations, along with representatives of relevant public and private stakeholders of the Danube port and waterborne transport community came together on 10 April 2019 in Vienna to celebrate the official launch of the Danube Ports Network (DPN).

The event took place in the context of the Danube Ports Policy Day (2nd edition) and provided a more formal opportunity to validate the key tenets of the DPN’s vision, mission and values and further strengthen the commitment of its strategic partners. Indeed, eight out of thirteen partner port organisations currently involved in the DAPhNE Project, made a tangible commitment to continue working with and for the DPN -- beyond its pilot action phase (June 2018 - June 2019). Their commitment has been formally expressed and recorded by the signature of the Danube Ports Network Letter of Commitment (LoC).

The following key strategic partners have signed the LoC and thus formalised their commitment to the DPN, namely : the Hungarian Federation of the Danube Ports (Hungary) - represented by Capt. Béla SZALMA, President, Ennshafen OÖ GmbH (Austria) - represented by Werner AUER, General Manager, Rhenus Donauhafen Krems GmbH &Co. KG (Austria) - represented by Gerhard GUSSMAGG, Managing Director, the Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (Bulgaria) - represented by Anguel ZABURTOV, Director General, the ICS Danube Logistics SRL/Giurgiulesti International Free Port (Moldova) - represented by Thomas MOSER, Director Business Development, the Port of Vukovar Authority (Croatia) - represented by Alen JAKUMETOVIC, Managing Director, the Public Ports Slovakia Jsc. (Slovakia), represented by Gabriel SZEKERES, CEO and Ing. Josef BODI, Director investment directorate, and Port Governance Agency (Serbia), represented by Vuk PEROVIC, Acting Director.

With the DPN strategic partnership formalised, we have reached another key milestone in the DPN's organisational life. Along with the operationalisation of the DPN Governance structure i.e. the formation of its 1st Advisory Group and the setting-up of the DPN Technical Secretariat -- we have taken concrete steps contributing DPN institutional consolidation and growth. All these aspects, along with an overview of key initiatives and activities of the DPN, and other specific thematic topics were further dicussed during the official launch event of the DPN.

For more information on the structure of the event and the specific topics discussed, please consult our Events section.



On 11 April 2019, Danube Ports Network organised in Vienna, its first thematic event dedicated to port digitalisation. Under the title “Danube ports in the digital age: challenges & opportunities”, this one-day conference is a step forward in our collective endeavour towards overcoming digital inertia, building confidence and know-how in the Danube Region port community.

The event gathered together relevant public and private stakeholders of the Danube Region port and waterborne (maritime and river) transport community. Around 60 participants representing relevant Danube Region port authorities and port administrations i.e. sea and river ports, port associations, shippers, logistics companies, as well as transport regulators and policy makers at national level have gathered to explore and discuss opportunities and challenges related to port digitalisation, relevant digital trends & technologies enhancing port efficiency and connectivity.

An important aim of this event was to provide a platform for senior port executives in the Danube Region to discuss key concepts and ways forward for their port organisations’ digitalisation journeys. Furthermore, the participants have benefited from a workshop run by the Port of Rotterdam discussing concrete steps on How to bring the Danube Region’s ports into the next digital maturity level”.

For more information on the structure of the event and the specific topics discussed, please consult our Events section.

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