
Survey on assessing the digital capabilities and preparedness of ports in the Danube Region to undergo a digital transformation

online survey finalA dedicated survey entitled "Danube transPORT is going digital. Become part if it!" has been developed within the framework of the DIONYSUS project in order to assess the current digitalisation capabilities and needs of the Danube Region ports taking into account several criteria such as: ICT-infrastructure, digital solutions for process and data flow optimization & management, digital services supporting efficient port operations, digital skills for added value jobs, cybersecurity aspects.

The survey has been elaborated by the teams of Pro Danube Management (AT) together with Public Ports (SK), Ennshafen Port (AT), the Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports (HU) and the Constanta Maritime Ports Administration (RO) as well as with the dedicated support of the Danube Ports Network.

This survey will help port authorities/administrations/port development companies in their work towards a digital transformation of their port. By answering all the questions proposed, ports will be able to assess their digital maturity and, at the same time, get a better understanding of their real digital needs. All answers will then feed into an analysis on digitalisation capabilities needs covering the Danube Region ports (inland and maritime) prepared by the DIONYSUS project partners which will be made publicly available throughout the Danube Region and beyond.

This survey consists of 105 questions and takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. All answers will be treated on a confidential basis.

The survey is meant to be answered by the team of the port authority/administration/port development company consisting of experts from the following departments (wherever applicable): IT, Strategy, Marketing, Operations, Transport & Traffic Management and Human Resources. Also, few dedicated questions require the input of the harbour master.

This survey consists mostly of multiple or single-choice questions, to facilitate a quick and easy answering. Few open questions have been included to allow each port to present on a case by case basis its particularities.

The survey is open from mid-December 2020 until end-February 2021.

For further details on the DIONYSUS project, please visit: 

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