
Danube Ports Day 2021 Successfully Organised on 23 November

2The 2021 Danube Ports Day was successfully organised in the frame of the DIONYSUS project by the teams of Pro Danube Management and the Port Authority Vukovar, with the support of the Danube Ports Network.

The event brought together more than 70 experts from the Danube Region and beyond, interested in topics related to (i) the potential of inland ports in urban mobility, (ii) fleet electrification as well as (iii) sustainable port logistics solutions. General information on the DIONYSUS project was presented by Mr Silviu Meterna of Pro Danube Romania, the lead partner of the DIONYSUS project. The audience received detailed information on funding opportunities, such as the new Interreg Danube Transnational Programme as well as on Connecting Europe Facility 2. 

Good practice examples in the field of Danube vessel fleet electrification, as well as sustainable logistics and port solutions in urban areas, were presented by highly experienced stakeholders.  Mr. Tomislav Uroda representing iCAT, a Croatian company specialised in innovative ship design and shipbuilding gave an insight into their solar-powered passenger vessel concept. Mr. Edwin van Hassel from the University of Antwerp introduced the “Smart Waterway Project”, a concept developed in order to demonstrate the benefits of using waterways for the distribution of freight in the urban area of Ghent. Mr. Robert Rafael on behalf of the DPN introduced notable examples of sustainable practices collected from several logistics service providers operating in the urban area of Budapest. Moving further downstream towards the Port of Constanta, Mr. Alexandru Craciun representing DP World Constanta shared very interesting insights on DP world’s innovative initiatives to be rolled out in the Danube Region.

We would like to use this opportunity to give special thanks to all our speakers, including Ms. Katharina Lenz of EU Danube Strategy Point, Mr. Horst Schindler of DTP Joint Secretariat, Mr. Turi Fiorito of EFIP, Mr. Danijel Bilušković of Port of Vukovar Ltd and to the moderators Ms. Iva Horvat, Ms. Ruxandra Matzalik Florescu and Mr. Miroslav Madarac.

List of presentations:

01_2021_11_23_PDR_Silviu Meterna

02_2021_11_23_EU Strategy Point_Katharina Lenz


04_2021_11_23_JS_Horst Schindler

05_2021_11_23_EFIP_Turi Fiorito

06_2021_11_23_Port of Vukovar_Danijel Biluskovic

07_2021_11_23_iCat_Tomislav Uroda_Electric Vessels

08_2021_11_23_University of Antwerp_Edwin van Hassel


10_2021_11_23_DP World_Alexandru Craciun

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