The Advisory Group is the decision-making body of the DPN. It is responsible for the strategic management of the network and offers overall direction and guidance. It takes decisions on the scope of work of the network (annual work program) based on proposals of the Technical Secretariat. Its structure is informal. There are no formal legal responsibilities or fiduciary duties to the DPN partners. The DPN Partner Forum is chaired by the elected chairman of the Advisory Group.
Captain Béla SZALMA
President Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports
Director Centroport Ltd.
Chairman Danube Ports Network’s Advisory Group
Professional Biography
Alexandru CRĂCIUN
Head of Governmental Affairs DP World Constanța
Member Danube Ports Network’s Advisory Group
Professional Biography
General Director Danube Logistics SRL Giurgiulesti International Free Port
Member Danube Ports Network’s Advisory Group
Professional Biography
Managing Director Rhenus Donauhafen Krems GmbH & Co KG
Member Danube Ports Network’s Advisory Group
Professional Biography
Werner AUER
General Manager Ennshafen port - Ennshafen OÖ GmbH
Member Danube Ports Network’s Advisory Group
Professional Biography